Hi! I’m Alyson, a marketing intern at City Uniform and Linen. I’m from Findlay, and I’m a rising junior at Miami University. After my first week at City being outside at the tent sale, I was so excited to be in the office and the plant! My time this week began with a tour of everything in the plant from Brian, our Production Manager. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting it to be as fascinating as it was. There is so much more that goes into industrial laundry than I thought!
Day One
From the chemical room to the tunnel washer, it was really cool to see all the pieces and processes. I also got to enjoy some time working with Jewel in the plant on the first day. I helped her inspect uniforms that were ready to be sent out and got hotel pillowcases straightened out and ready so she could send them through the ironer machine.
Day Two
On the second day, I spent time with Tom in the warehouse. We got products set out on pallets so they’re ready for the route drivers. Tom and I had great conversation and I learned a lot from him! After we were done, I worked with Oren (OJ) in Set-Up. I had heard the term “set-up” before from Sidney, but I had no idea what it meant. Fortunately, Oren taught me everything I need to know. We organized a new shipment of clothes and heat-sealed labels onto pants that were due to go out the next day.
These first two days in the office and the plant taught me a lot about how City Uniform and Linen works and I met so many great people along the way. I am so happy that I will continue to get to know these people more throughout the summer, and I’m excited to continue learning from them.