Through the Eyes of a City Intern: Part 3

As I (Alyson) wrap up my first week back at school, I wanted to do my final “Through the Eyes of a CIty Intern” blog post for the summer. I’m sad not to be in the office anymore, but I’m happy to be continuing a few tasks and projects remotely throughout my fall semester. You’ll continue to see blog posts and a few different weekly Facebook posts on both City Uniforms and Linen and City Dry Cleaning’s pages from me, so make sure you’re following both to keep up!

This summer at City was the best, helping Sidney with social media, a few video projects and updating things catalogs and brochures. I learned skills that I didn’t think I needed for marketing, but I’m so thankful to know them now. I used Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator every day, and both of those apps are something I’m so grateful to know. It’s crazy how much I improved at Photoshop and Illustrator from Day 1 to my last week! As I’ve said before, Sidney was a great teacher.

Marketing can be somewhat of a broad subject so this summer with City was super beneficial in helping me figure out what route I want to take. After working with Sidney, I want to dive deeper and really focus on digital marketing and I’m super excited to already be in some classes that focus on digital marketing specifically!

And, finally, I want to say thank you to everyone at City for being so welcoming and kind. Everyone was fun to work with and I can’t wait to be back with you all in the winter!