Hi everyone, I’m Ashley, the marketing intern here at City Uniforms and Linens. I am from Findlay and I’m currently a senior at Tiffin University. I am also on the Women’s Golf team at Tiffin. My time here has only been a few days so far, but my eyes have been opened. The plan was to have me work in the warehouse for a couple days. The goal was to give me a better perspective on how the company operates. I wasn’t very thrilled, but I knew it was necessary. Within those two days I learned so much and I loved it! I am the type of person that likes organizing and everything about this company can’t function without organization.
Day 1
The first day while in the warehouse, I worked in set-up with Oren (OJ). He had me hang up clothes for an order. Then I was handed an order form and had to organize the clothes for each person’s order which then would get the person’s name ironed onto their uniform after they were organized. After that, OJ had me go upstairs and organize a part of their inventory (cargo pants) by size and length. Like I said, I like to organize so I was happy to do it.
Day 2
The following day came and WOW I was shocked. I was given an in-depth tour of the warehouse by Emma (the floor manager). She showed me everything from when the clothing gets dropped off, to the end when it gets picked up. There was not that many people working in the warehouse, which was surprising, but they all have an important job. What surprised me the most was how they’re able to keep everything organized by route. I saw the conveyor where each line has a different route separated by number. The associate working at that station has to remember each route number otherwise an item will be sent to the wrong place. That job is pretty important, but I definitely think every job is important. I’m so glad I got to experience that and learn how the process of the company works.