It’s that time of year again where many people reflect on the individuals and items they are thankful for. Some cliché answers when asked what you’re thankful for are the typical family, friends, shelter, food, etc. Not to say that one shouldn’t be thankful for those things, but people expect that answer. If you want to surprise someone and really get them thinking, we have another answer for you. HAND SOAPS!
Think of what all hand soaps do for you and your business!
- Hands soaps slow the spread of viruses and bacteria
- Keep you clean
- promote a healthy environment
Next time someone asks you what you’re thankful for, you’ll say ‘hand soaps’ right away thanks to us 😉
At City Uniforms and Linen we realize that tough conditions call for a tough soap. Our industrial soap line is made for jobs normal soap can’t get done. These soaps contain scrubbing particles to remove even the most embedded grime, grease, and oil which leave hands with a pleasant fragrance as well.
To learn more about our other products and services:
City Services a 160 mile radius of Findlay, Ohio and is in Columbus, Ohio; Dayton, Ohio; Cincinnati, Ohio; Cleveland, Ohio on a daily/weekly basis.