As warm weather finally approaches it’s end and the days get shorter, it’s time to get practical about what will happen to your facility. When it comes to the safety of your company’s facility, there are a few things that come to mind: accessibility for all persons, clean and healthy air and water accessible for everyone, a comfortable temperature throughout the facility, and clean floors. Although one is not more important than the other, we specialize in keeping your floors dry and without dust. It could be a catastrophe for the customer as well as the business if someone were to injure themselves because of a spill that was neglected or dusty floors.
Falls are one of the leading causes of unintentional injuries in The United States. According to 2011 NSC Injury Facts, 8.9 million visits to the emergency room are because of slips and falls.
Prevention is Key
That’s why we are here to help and offer you our full service program of dust and wet mops!
Our full service program of dust and wet mops varies enough to fit any need you may have. We offer a range of lengths of dust mops, from 24″ to 60″. Also, we have a blue and green wet mop that goes with a specific handle and frame, multiple dust mop frames and handles…we are serious about our selection. Just like our other products and services, we will do full inventory on it so you don’t have to worry. Helping your business run smoothly from behind the scenes is our passion!
You can learn more about our mops in our catalog. To learn more about our other products and services, visit
Email or call 800-422-CITY.
City Services a 160 mile radius of Findlay, Ohio and is in Columbus, Ohio; Dayton, Ohio; Cincinnati, Ohio; Cleveland, Ohio on a daily/weekly basis.